Card Grid(ui_card_grid)Bootstrap Logo

These elements allow the placement of the cards by grid.


This component is an extension of component element. A Ui Bibz component consists of 3 arguments:
  • content[value/block]
  • html_options[hash]<default: {}>
  • options[hash]<default: {}>

ui_card_grid options, html_options do |cg|
  cd.card do


The specific options for this component are:
  • action[string](use component stimulus-options method)
  • cache[string](use to cache your component)
  • controller[string](use component stimulus-options method)
  • gutters[integer/hash]The same options as the gutters in the row component
  • lg[hash]
  • md[hash]
  • num[integer]
  • sm[hash]
  • target[string](use component stimulus-options method)
  • turbo[string](use component turbo method)
  • xl[hash]
  • xs[hash]


The allowed items for this component are:
  • card(inherit of card)
  • html[html/string]Insert html as a component


Some examples explain how to use the options present in the component.

Card grid

The card_grid component is an extension of component element.
Like this one, the card_grid component has options and html_options present as hash.
It inherits options of component element. Card grid inherit from row component.

image 65
This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.
image 75
This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.
image 69
This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.
image 57
This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.
ui_card_grid(num: 2, gutters: 4) do |cd|
  cd.card do |c|
    c.image "image.svg"
    c.body 'This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.'
  cd.card do |c|
    c.image "image.svg"
    c.body 'This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.'
  cd.card do |c|
    c.image "image.svg"
    c.body 'This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.'
  cd.card do |c|
    c.image "image.svg"
    c.body 'This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.'
<div class="g-4 card-grid row row-cols-md-2">
  <div class="col">
    <div class="card">
      <img class="card-img-top" src="">
      <div class="card-body">This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.</div>
  <div class="col">
    <div class="card">
      <img class="card-img-top" src="">
      <div class="card-body">This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.</div>
  <div class="col">
    <div class="card">
      <img class="card-img-top" src="">
      <div class="card-body">This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.</div>
  <div class="col">
    <div class="card">
      <img class="card-img-top" src="">
      <div class="card-body">This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.</div>